Thailand International Marching Band Competition 2010
Thai Marching Band and the Department of Physical Education. Organize by Thailand
International Band Competition 2010″ (TIMBC 2010) sanctioned by World Association
of Marching Show Bands (WAMSB) and Asia – Pacific Asia Pacific Bands Association.
(APBA) will hold the contest during the 9-11 July 2010 at the National Stadium.
Bangkok. This is the first time for the foreign Marching Band come to Thailand
for participation.
Thai Marching Band and the Department of Physical Education. Organize by Thailand
International Band Competition 2010″ (TIMBC 2010) sanctioned by World Association
of Marching Show Bands (WAMSB) and Asia – Pacific Asia Pacific Bands Association.
(APBA) will hold the contest during the 9-11 July 2010 at the National Stadium.
Bangkok. This is the first time for the foreign Marching Band come to Thailand
for participation.
Thailand International Marching Band Competition 2010
9 – 11 July 2010
National Stadium Bangkok Thailand
Application for Participation
Please submit an application form for participation by e-mail to the following
address no later than 25 April, 2010 :
Registration of Participation : 25 April, 2010
together with payment of deposit of USD1,000
Full payment for accommodation : 31 May, 2010
All participating bands may choose to stay at either hotels or Bangkok
or Pattaya. The cost of board and lodging are :
• Hostel plus 3 meals a day : USD25 per person per day
• 3 star rated hotel plus 3 meals a day : USD45 per person per day
The above hotel charges are based on twin-sharing basis.
All transportation from the Bangkok International Airport to hotels and from
hotels to all performing venues is provided at NO EXTRA CHARGES. This includes
air-conditioned buses, and trucks for carrying of instruments. Additional tours
or excursions can be requested but extra charges will be incurred.
Marching Band Definitions
Division (Based on Development)
• Division I (Advanced level for the type of band):
All bands who have participated in Division 1 (or the equivalent) at a recognized
international or national band competition
Bands may apply for placement in Division 1 based upon their development and
most recent ratings.
Bands currently in a lower division may be placed in Division 1 based upon
their development and competition results presented in their application resume.?
• Division II (Intermediate for the type of band):
Bands who have not participated in Division I (or the equivalent) at a recognized
Bands may apply for placement in Division II based upon their development and
most recent ratings.
Bands currently in a Division II may be placed in Division II based upon their
development and competition results presented in their application resume.
Rules and Regulations
Rules and Regulations – General
Rules and regulations for the Judgement and performance rating are established
by the World Association of Marching Show Bands.
The bands entry classification will be defined based upon the Marching Show
Band Definitions list. Bands will be notified of their definition a minimum
of 90 days in advance of the event. A band may submit a request for a change
of its definition up to 60 days prior to the event. All performers must be a
member of the band being judged.
There are no test pieces, obligatory formations or figures. All participating
bands perform compositions of their choice. Compositions are to be suitable
for the division in which the band is placed.
Rules and Regulations – 2010 Thailand International Marching Show Band
The performance area available is 80 Yard (width) by 60 Yard. All bands will
be offered a minimum of a one hour rehearsal time at a practice site with a
minimum of 80 Yard by 60 Yard.
Electrical power will not be provided. Internal combustion generators will not
be allowed.
Carts to move equipment on and off the performance area will be allowed. No
internal combustion engines may be used to tow or power the carts.
The total time allowed in a performance area during the Competition Preliminaries
and Finals is a maximum of eighteen (18) minutes. This includes entry and set
up, show performance, takedown and exit.
Entrance and set up – Not Judged: While announcements are being made and the
previous band is exiting, the next performing band will enter from a defined
entry point without playing. A soft non performance percussion sound that does
not interfere with the announcements is allowed if required by the entering
band. The total time allowed begins when the first band personnel pass the defined
entry point. All equipment and materials required for the performance including
markers and props are to be carded in upon entrance.
No permanent floor markings will be provided or allowed unless agreed by all
bands competing in a particular time slot. Set up of props and auxiliary instruments
should begin immediately as the band enters the venue.
A band may choose to eliminate the entrance portion. If they choose to do so,
the Judges must be notified in advance. The total allowed time and the total
performance time does not change if this option is exercised.
Performance – Judged: The announcer shall first ask if the band is ready. After
the band replies, the announcer shall ask the band to begin their performance.
Performance time begins when the first sound of the band’s show is produced.
Minimum performance time is ten (10) minutes. All judgement ceases after twelve
(12) minutes of performance time.
Take down and exit – Not Judged: While announcements are being made and the
next band is entering, the previous performing band will exit through a defined
exit point without playing. A soft, non-performance percussion sound that does
not interfere with the announcements is allowed if required by the exiting band.
Exit and take down should begin immediately after the announcer thanks the band
for their performance. The total time ends when the last band personnel have
passed the defined exit point. All equipment and materials including markers
and props are to be removed at this time.
Category (Based on Member Age)
Junior: Bands in which all the participating band members are less than 16 years
of age during the competition
Senior: Bands that do not qualify for the Junior category and whose participating
band members are all less than 23 years of age during the competition
Open: Bands in which any of the participating band members are over the age
of 22 during the competition
Class (Based on Band Size)
• A Less than 65 performing members
• AA 65 to 100 performing members
• AAA 101 to 150 performing members
• AAAA Over 150 performing members
Type (Based on Forming Association)
• Community
• University
• Military
• School
• Fraternal
• Professional
Composition (Based on Instrumentation)
• Harmony Band
• Woodwind & Percussion Band
• Pipe & Percussion Band
• Brass & Percussion Band (Traditional)
• Drums Corps
• Percussion Band
• Fanfare Band (Bugle Band)
• Specialty Band
• Novelty Band
The following process will be used to determine which bands will qualify for
admission to the 2010 Thailand International Marching Band Competition Finals.
The number of the bands admitted to the finals will be limited to TEN (10) bands.
The finalists will be taken from the bands that have achieved a mark of 75 or
more in the Competition Preliminaries based upon the following criteria.
• The two bands with the highest qualifying marks
• The highest scoring band from each of the nations participating, each
from a separate nation.
In the case of the nation(s) from which the two bands with the highest qualifying
marks come, the next highest scoring band from that nation will be admitted
to the Finals. If there are more nations qualifying than openings available,
admission will be determined by those qualifying bands having the highest preliminary
• If any of the nations participating do not qualify a band under these
criteria, the Organizing Committee reserves the right to fill any openings in
finals by admitting the next highest scoring band with qualifying marks.
• In the event of a tie between bands, which individually would qualify
for the finals, all bands so tied will advance to the Competition Finals.
• At the sole discretion of the jury, additional bands may be admitted
to the finals based on National representation.
Performance order for Finals shall be based upon the marks achieved in the preliminaries.
The performances will commence starting with the lowest qualifying score and
continue to the highest qualifying score.
Training and Rehearsals
Each of the bands participating in the show competition will have an opportunity
for training in the stadium on the days before their competitions. Times of
training will be fixed in each band’s individual timetable. There will be training
facilities and exercise areas that are available within short distance for daily
use. Areas and times of training are fixed in each band’s timetable.
The Basis of Judgement
• The band’s ability and performance will be judged within their own individual
form and style. The choice of form and style is not judged.
• Judgement for a non-instrumental auxiliary unit is included in each
band’s score. When there is no auxiliary unit, that portion of the score is
based upon the performance of the instrumentalists.
• Division I and II bands shall be judged to the same standard.
• Prizes will be awarded based upon the scores awarded by the International
The overall ratings required to qualify for prizes are:
• First Prize 85+ (Honours 90+)
• Second Prize 80 to 84.9
• Third Prize 75 to 79.9
All bands will be given a statement of final standing by definition based upon
their own categorization, separate from any prizes awarded.
Judging will be conducted by a jury of a minimum of four international judges.
Judges are all accredited by the World Association of Marching Show Bands. They
will be selected from different regions of the world.
The jury will be structured in the following manner:
Caption 1: MUSIC
Music Repertoire
This sub caption is to evaluate the quality of the musical arrangement, the
needed training of the performers, demand and suitability in relation to performer
ability, entertainment potential, instrumentation, pulse, variety, blend, idiom
etc. What did the designers offer to the program and the performers?
Music Performance
This sub caption is to evaluate the quality of the music performance displayed
by the performers. Criteria among others are: Technique, artistry, tone quality,
intonation, interpretation, expression, uniformity, stamina, transparency, clarity,
balance and blend
articulation, dynamics, phrasing, pulse, feel, style, accuracy, control of Tempo
& Rhythmic patterns, audio Phasing and vertical alignment of rhythmic patterns.
Caption 2: VISUAL
Visual Repertoire
This sub caption is to evaluate the quality of the visual design and the needed
training of the performers. The criteria are among others are: Level, demand,
variety, integration, form and style, simultaneous responsibilities, suitability
to performers. What did the designers offer to the program and the performers?
Visual Performance
This sub caption is to evaluate the quality of the performance displayed by
the performers. Criteria among others are: Interpretation,
uniformity, forms, movement proficiency facility and alignment, element integration
including synchronization, continuity, coordination, blend, flow, support, demand,
poise, cohesion, clarity, transparency, deportment, presentation, appropriateness,
patial awareness, control of movement, momentum, equipment handling and intensity.
Music Design
This sub caption is to evaluate the ingredients in the design and the training
that created effect from a musical perspective.What did the musical designer
put in that could create effect? There should be a relationship between the
visual design and the musical design.
Music Performance
This sub caption is to evaluate the performance of the performers that creates
effect. Criteria among others: Professionalism, showmanship, virtuosity, creativity,
emotional contour, sensitivity, flow, blend, continuity, spirit, intensity,
focus, member communication, and audience engagement.
Visual Design
This sub caption is to evaluate the ingredients in design and training that
created effect from a visual perspective. What did the visual designer put in
that could create effect. There should be a relationship between the visual
design and the musical design.
Visual Performance
This sub caption is to evaluate the performance of the performers that creates
effect. Criteria are among others: Professionalism,
showmanship, virtuosity, creativity, emotional contour, sensitivity, flow, blend,
continuity, spirit, intensity, focus, member communication, and audience engagement.
Total Possible Score: 100 Points
Scoring Records
The guidelines to be followed by each judge:
• Each judge will tape record their comments. The band’s score will be
registered in the relevant caption sheets that will be part of the event’s records.
• After each bands performance the scores will be displayed for public
recognition. For bands without an auxiliary a separate caption sheet will be
provided that directly applies to the type of band being judged based upon the
performance of the musicians only.
The audio tape from each judge with comments will be provided to each participating
band at the end of the Preliminaries and at the end of Finals. The Overall Rating
Score Sheet(s) for each band without comments will be compiled and distributed
to the band for their performance(s) at the conclusion of the Competition. Each
band’s caption score sheets will be retained for the records for one year by
WAMSB.Awards will be presented at the conclusion of the Preliminaries and the
Finals. Each band will be given a list ranking them by Definition based upon
their Division, Category, Class, Type and Composition when it is available after
being compiled by the Supervising Judge.A Reserve Judge method shall be employed.
Judging assignments may be changed by the Supervising Judge between the Preliminaries
and the Finals.
Grand Finals:
Division l
• Winner : Championship Trophy
• 1st Runner-up : Trophy
• 2nd Runner-up : Trophy
Division II
• Winner : Championship Trophy
• 1st Runner-up : Trophy
• 2nd Runner-up : Trophy
8 July 2010
Time Description Venue Remark
– Arrival of bands at Bangkok – –
9 July 2010
Time Description Venue Remark
11.30 Drum Battle TBA –
17.00 Street Parade TBA –
20.00 Open Ceremony National Stadium –
10 July 2010
Time Description Venue Remark
18.00 Preliminary Show Competition National Stadium –
21.00 Announced Awards and the Bands pass to Final National Stadium –
11 July 2010
Time Description Venue Remark
18.00 GRAND FINAL TIMBC 2010 National Stadium –
21.00 Close Ceremony National Stadium –
12 July 2010
Time Description Venue Remark
– Bands depart from Bangkok – –
Please send Rigistration Form to
Any question please call +668-1564-2525
THAI MARCHING BAND Marching Music Center Thailand.
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