MWBC 2009
The Malaysia World Band Competition 2009 (“MWBC 2009”) is the premier band competition in Asia. MWBC 2009 brings together some of the best bands from around the world to compete in Kuala Lumpur. MWBC 2009 will feature world class bands performing in colourful formation with exciting choreography. Bands from South Africa, Asia and Oceania will compete in a series of freestyle and traditional competition.
The MWBC 2009 is expected to draw greater participation and awareness amongst band enthisiasts. Spanning from 11 – 19 December 2009. from Kuala Terengganu, Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur and with the Wind Orchestra Competition being held in Johore Bahru from 5 – 6 December 2009, the MWBC 2009 promises dazzling and best of the best performance from participating bands.
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